Daily Archives: October 26, 2011

¿Qué saben?

Victoria, Entre Rios

Hola amigos. This weekend we all went out to the pasture to spend time as gauchos would have. Gauchos are the argentine equivalent of a cowboy. They are similarly romanticized. They existed mostly in the 19th century as a large portion of the rural population. Think gritty, horseback riding, poncho wearing cattlemen, actually stop thinking, here’s a picture:

This is from wikipedia, click the picture if you want to read more about the history of the gauchos. At our Gaucho Party we enjoyed a giant barbecue on a outdoor grill similar to one that would have traditionally been used.


We mostly ate steak and pork sausages like this one. To be honest I’m not a big fan of pork. Luckily I made a friend who was rather interested in my scraps:
otro perroOkay, I’ve got to get to class but I’m going to fill you all in on this party a little bit more when I get a chance.

By the way, I love all the comments I’m getting from you all. Please keep it up! Now that we’re all able to chat a bit I want to know if there is anything in particular you want me to investigate for you here in Rosario, or pertaining to Argentina in general.

Also, before I go I want to know if you all know what’s going on in Argentina right now. We just had a major event a few days ago. Does anyone know what happened? I’ll give you a big hint: It’s political.

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